Army Welfare Education Society

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*** Sample Question Papers for Classes X & XII for the current Academic Session 2024-2025. *** *** List of Personnel Awarded COAS Commendation card on Teachers Day *** *** All Principals! Navigating The Career Maze - The Role of Counselling ***

Army Pre Primary Schools (APPS)

Background History:   With the ever increasing awareness amongst the Army personnel about the need of educating their wards better and breaking up of the joint family system more familiar making into cantonments. To meet the aspirations local formation cdrs started running these small schools in re-appropriated bldgs as a welfare measure. Till 2005 these schools were being run as regimental schools. However in 2005 the Army Pre School Education Council (APEC) under the guidance of AWWA was set up to design a sound Early Child Care & Education (ECCE) programme for the toddlers (above 3 years) to ensure holistic development of the child through the play way activity approach and prepare the child for formal schooling .....

A need was felt after independence to give education to the ward of All Ranks as the Army cantonments were located at isolated stations, places and far flung areas. Till 2005 these schools were being run as regimental schools. However in 2005 the Army Pre School Education Council (APEC) under AWWA was set up to design a sound Early Child Care & Education (ECCE) programme for the pre schoolers (above 3 years) to ensure holistic development of the child and prepare the child for formal schooling . In consonance with the guidelines stipulated by the APEC, all the pre schools run by the Army establishments were grouped under one control/ apex body (AWES) wef 01 Apr 2011. These pre school were designated as Army Pre Primary School (APPS).

Today the Army Pre Primary School are a veritable hub of activity functioning in vibrant environment. Happiness is writ large in the faces of pre schoolers as they cheerfully indulged in activity based ambience and picturesque surroundings. Army Pre Primary School curriculum is designed to cater to their comfort zone and development needs.

Important Circulars

CBSE Circular/Notification : Veer Gatha 4.0.

CBSE Circular/Notification : One Day training program for the teachers teaching (Agriculture) (Sub. Code 408 & 808) as a Skill Subject.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Training/Capacity building programs for the teachers teaching (Multimedia) (Sub. Code - 415/821) and (Shorthand (English)) (Sub. Code 825) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated Schools.

CBSE Circular/Notification : One Day Teachers Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching Business Administration (Sub Code-833) as a Skill Subject.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Exposure Visit of CBSE School Principals to Organizations/ Institutionsof Eminence in India.

CBSE Circular/Notification : HINDI_PAKHWADA_2024_05092024.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Sample Question Papers for Classes X & XII for the current Academic Session 2024-2025 reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : National Sports Day reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Invitation to participate in the Future Tech for Sustainability Program in collaboration with IBM SkillsBuild Platform.

CBSE Circular/Notification : National School Band Competition-2024-25 reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : One day teacher training/capacity building program for teachers teaching as skill subjects in CBSE affiliated schools- reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : CBSE Heritage India Quiz 2024.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Special online session on Emerging Technologies and overview of revised curriculum of AI for classes XI & XII .

CBSE Circular/Notification : One Day Teaches Training/Capacity Building program for the teachers teaching Food Nutrition & Dietetics (Sub. Code 834) as a Skill Subject - reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Training/Capacity building programs for the teachers teaching INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (Sub. Code - 802) as a Skill Subject in the CBSE affiliated Schools-reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Setting up of Composite Skill Labs in CBSE schools .

CBSE Circular/Notification : Participation of all schools in the School Innovation Marathon.

CBSE Circular/Notification : Implementation of National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2023 in Schools.

CBSE Circular/Notification : One Day Capacity Building Programme for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence to Secondary classes at Chandigarh .

CBSE Circular/Notification : Skill Expo and Guidance Festival 2024: Intimation of Venues for Regional Events reg.

CBSE Circular/Notification : SUBJECT: CBSE SCIENCE EXHIBITION 2024-25.